Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fuck, it's Jason

"Hey. Take my photo in front of Early Man. I'm growing my beard out and you can track my progress by posting pics of it on your Metal Beards site. I'll be like your poster child."
-We'll put your photo up, but, yea, we already have a poster child and his name is Corey. Sorry Jason.

Zoroaster beards

Zoroaster beards are the winners...for now.

Salt-N-Pepa Beard.

Matt representing the Salt-N-Pepa beard at the Early Man show.

Gnarly Ginger Beard.

That thing is gnar, gnar, gnarly! Gnarly beard. We need to dedicate an entire section of Metal Beards to ginger beards. We will work on that...

Early Man Beards!!!

Hot Early Man beard love. Holla!!

Corey Lane

Vag Beard Corey.

Pizza Beard.

Hang ten, man. (he works at a pizza place, hence the title 'Pizza Beard'. kinda dumb, but I don't give a damn.)

Future Beard.

This is what Corey will look like in 10 years... not bad, not bad at all.

This guy has King Kong balls for showing up to a metal show in this outfit. Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Steve Brooks.

Yeah Torche!!!! Okay, so we sure as hell know that Ol' Steve does not sport a beard, but he's the Torche guy and he rules face. SO SUCK IT!!!!

Chance Garnette

Skeletonwitch beard...
We love all of the Skeletonwitch beards and the band. We're not biased.

Nate Garnette

Skeletonwitch ginger beard... angles 1&2
Love this beard and this band!!!

Strutter's Beard!


Welcome to

We woke this poor guy from a nap. A nap at a ROCK FEST. for shame.

p.s. sorry for waking you. xoxo

Hand Beard.

Burrito Beard.

Is that an eagle eating his burrito too?

Beard-from a distance.

Is he contemplative or just METAL??!!!!!!

Another RMBD.

Random Metal Beard Dude. His name will remain anonymous.

On a scale of 1 to Metal...


This is also a beard.

Gentle Beard.

Slayer tattoo vs. beard.

Is a Slayer tattoo proper replacement for a metal beard? Discuss.

Blurry beard spectrum.

(L to R) baby beard, mama beard, and papa beard.

This guy.

Chuck Manson on parole for Rock Fest.

I mean, the similarities are striking. And we're sure he is a really nice guy.

Chicken Wizard.

Big Beardness.

Happy Beard Time!

Dan Beard

Writer's Beard

a beard like this makes you write things...

Excellent full coverage beard.

there's something about the coloring too.


It's more about the hair.

less the beard.

Mr. M. Williams

little beard, big hair.


Serious stud action.

Steven Spielbeard.

Close Enounters of the Beard Kind.


Seriously, I was afraid to take this guys photo because he looked too cool for me, but he was nice, but in a totally metal way. He sure could pull off a pair of overalls too!! Enough attention for you now. bye

It's just the beginning for this creepy beard.

Beard love.

Good beard. Nice job!

Wizard in progress


Damn good beard.

Black eye beard.

Corey "Vesty" Lane.

A beard in a hat.